Ten Stupid Things men do...
1 ignoring wheel cheat (men know - friends are important -- tires are good friends - treat them well) 2 using too much speed or power (many times, faster than too slow is too fast)
3 steering at standstill (power steering is a wonderful tool to break tie rods etc)
4 using the clutch the same way as on pavement (if you don't know what "starting in gear" means and you still use the clutch to regulate speed - see "A smart thing some men do" below )
5 following one's gut feeling (most likely it'll be wrong - humans have no genetic imprint for driving cars yet)
6 straddling obstructions (men should know - they would not take anything high between their legs either)
7 rushing through water (humans want to rush away from danger and get in trouble in the process)
8 keeping thumbs in steering wheel (bruised or broken thumbs really hurt)
9 hanging head out of window during difficult driving (makes you "feel" you are in control - but you'll miss potential danger on the other side)
10 using 4WD after getting stuck (now that is really stupid)