We will leave from the Texaco gas station in Trona between 7.00 am and 7.30 am and head for the Slate Range.
When we leave pavement a few miles outside of town I will give a few off road safety tips to ensure a safe trip. A graded dirt road will take us into the pass that allows a stunning view of Panamint Valley.
Fish Canyon, the 1850 escape route of settlers stuck in Death Valley, will take us down into the Panamint Valley. This road is not on any map.
The road is very steep and we should use low range and avoid any sudden moves.
Once in Panamint Valley the trail turns very rocky and you have to pay close attention to where you put your tires. Please drive slowly.

The drive through Panamint Valley is stunningly beautiful.

We will head up Goler Wash and visit Barker Ranch (Hideout of the infamous Manson family). There is a possibility that Goler Wash might be too rough for us - in that case we will take an alternate route through Panamint Valley with a sidetrip to Surprise Canyon. It is the roughest off-road spot in the world (we'll hike to the tough spot, of course).

If we make it up Goler Wash a very exciting drive up to Mengel Pass will follow. Striped Bute, and Valley.Warm Springs Canyon takes us into Death Valley, the last miles will be on pavement.

Reservations for the night are at Exchange Club Motel in Beatty / Nevada
Arrival there between 6.00 pm and 8.00 pm.
Dinner somewhere in Beatty